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Since the late 1970s piezocone testing and its interpretation has become the preferred method of in-situ testing in geotechnical engineering worldwide. Osimo has been the premier service provider for piezocone testing in South and Southern Africa for the last thirty years. We assist various consulting and construction companies in Geotechnical Projects using piezocone probing and specialist data interpretation.


A piezocone is advanced into the soil using a 20kN hydraulic rig.  The cone penetration pressure, sleeve friction, pore pressure and depth is recorded. Dissipation tests are carried out at regular intervals to determine the hydraulic properties of the soil and the flow regime at the site.  

We offer overwater probing and sampling in conjunction with a drilling company.

We have completed a number of challenging projects where probing and drilling were required to reach the desired depth. This normally happens when there are cemented layers in the soil profile. 


Data Interpretation and Reporting

Probe results are prepared using our in-house software, its functionality includes:

·       Soil profiling

·       Interpretation of geotechnical parameters from piezocone and dissipation results including the interpretation of incomplete dissipation tests

·       PDF visualisations of the data as well as Excel files with the raw data and interpreted parameters are provided to the client

Assistance with piezocone results

Osimo can assist with specialised interpretation as well as design.  These include undrained (Olsen and Stark) and critical state analysis (Jefferies and Been, Norsand models).  Prof Rust and colleagues present a lecture series on these interpretation methods including FE analysis at the end of January every year.

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